Category: Secondary Petroleum Refining

Delayed coking

About The main purpose of the delayed coking unit is the production of petroleum coke used in the manufacture of construction materials, in the chemical,


About Hydrocracking (HC) is one of the most efficient secondary refining processes. The process is flexible and makes it possible to obtain a wide range


About Hydrotreating process is very important for quality oil refining. Motor fuels are hydrotreated to remove sulfur, metals, nitrogen and other heteroatomic compounds from their

Catalytic reforming

About Catalytic reforming is designed to increase the detonation resistance of gasoline, produce aromatic HC for petrochemicals, and produce hydrogen-containing gas for use in other

Catalytic cracking

About Catalytic cracking is one of the most common secondary oil refining processes. Its main purpose is to produce high-octane gasoline with a mass yield