About Urea is the most popular nitrogen fertilizer. It contains 46% of nitrogen, which makes it the most concentrated nitrogen fertilizer and therefore the most effective. In addition, urea is…


About PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) products are used in the variety of applications in the building and construction, health care, electronics, automobile,  construction, packaging and manufacture of medical equipment. Process features…


About Polystyrene (PS) is a polymer made from the monomer styrene, a liquid hydrocarbon that is commercially manufactured from petroleum. Polystyrene is intended for the production of a wide range…


About Polypropylene along with polyethylene is one of the most common polymeric materials. It has high strength and resistance to chemical aggressive substances, it is vapor- and gas-tight. Polypropylene is…


About Along with polypropylene, polyethylene is one of the most common polymeric materials. It has a number of advantages, such as resistance to impact and frost, to acids, alkalis and…


About Methanol is one of the most important products of the chemical industry and is widely used in the production of gasoline, plastics, disinfectants, detergents, explosives, dyes, synthetic fabrics, and…


About Melamine is a valuable raw material used in the production of high quality plastics, adhesives and industrial coatings. Products with melamine derivatives have high strength, heat, water, wear and…


About Hydrotreating process is very important for quality oil refining. Motor fuels are hydrotreated to remove sulfur, metals, nitrogen and other heteroatomic compounds from their composition, thus reducing the corrosiveness…


About Hydrocracking (HC) is one of the most efficient secondary refining processes. The process is flexible and makes it possible to obtain a wide range of high-quality petroleum products from…

Delayed coking

About The main purpose of the delayed coking unit is the production of petroleum coke used in the manufacture of construction materials, in the chemical, automotive and electrical industries, the…