Catalytic cracking



Catalytic cracking is one of the most common secondary oil refining processes. Its main purpose is to produce high-octane gasoline with a mass yield of 50% and liquefied gases – raw materials for subsequent production of components for high-octane gasoline. In addition, the process produces light and heavy gasoil, which are used as a component for the preparation of diesel fuel and raw materials for the production of petroleum coke

Fluid catalytic cracking hydrodynamics

Process features

High temperature (+600C)
Processing of heavy oil fractions

Technology Providers

  • Millisecond Catalytic Cracking (MSCC) with ultra-short contact time: UOP Licensor.
  • Catalytic Cracking of Residues with two-step Regeneration RCC: Licensor UOP
  • Catalytic Residue Cracking with two R2R Regenerators: Axens, Stone & Webster
  • “Propylene” catalytic cracking technologies: Axens DCC Technology, UOP PetroFCC Technology, KBR MAXOFIN Technology, Shell MILOS Technology

Main Challenge

  • High pressure
  • High Temperature
  • Corrosive Medium